Monday, March 6, 2017

How to lead a healthy Lifestyle through self care

Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!

Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:
1.    It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
2.    It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
3.    It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
4.    It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
5.    It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
6.    It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
7.    It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
8.    It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin’s ability to absorb nutrients from food.

10 Superfoods you must have
Most people crave to improve their bone health, maintain proper eyesight, keep the mind sharp and prevent chronic diseases. Have these top 10 power foods and you will be able to stay healthy and feel good about yourself:
1.    Berries: A great source of fibre, berries help in keeping your digestive system healthy, which in turn helps in shedding off the extra pounds easily.
2.    Eggs: A recent study has found that people who eat scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast feel more contented and eat less during lunch. In addition, egg yolks are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which strengthens your eyesight.
3.    Beans: This is a great source of iron which helps in transporting oxygen to the lungs from where it is transported to other parts of the body. It also contains soluble fibre which helps in lowering the cholesterol levels of the blood.
4.    Nuts: Walnuts or almonds or hazelnuts are a rich source of unsaturated fats that are healthy for your heart and overall health, owing to their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and linolenic acids.
5.    Oranges: A rich source of vitamin C, a large-sized orange is adequate for your body’s requirement for fighting off infections and providing skin firming collagens. These fruits are also rich in folate as well as fibre.
6.    Sweet potatoes: Owing to the high contents of the alpha and beta carotene, which give the sweet potato its colour, you should have one medium-sized sweet potato regularly for keeping your bones, eyes and immune system healthy.
7.    Broccoli: This can be called a green powerhouse as it is packed with vitamins A, C and K as well as folate. It offers a rich source of sulforaphane and isothiocynate, which is believed to help in alleviating throat cancer.
8.    Tea: Tea is high in flavonoid content which is an antioxidant, and offers a wide range of health benefits. A cupful of freshly brewed tea helps in fighting diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain cancers.
9.    Spinach: This plant has the important vitamins along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, fibre and iron. Spinach is healthy and is recommended for all to-be mothers.
1      Yogurt: A rich source of calcium, yogurt is known for staving off osteoporosis. It contains helpful bacteria which helps in the maintenance of gut health and reduces the chances of age-related intestinal ailments.

Glaucoma - 7 Signs You Are Suffering From It!
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that causes damage to your eye's optic nerve and gets worse over time. The optic nerve is a bundle of millions of nerve fibres which carry visual impulse from the retina at the back of eye to the brain. The increased Eye pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve and fasten the natural nerve fibre loss. Since nerve cells can't regenerate this damage is permanent and irreversible.
Without treatment, glaucoma can cause total permanent blindness within a few years. Because most people with glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain from this increased pressure, it is important to see your eye doctor regularly so that glaucoma can be diagnosed early and treated before significant functional visual loss occurs.
If you are over age 40 and have a family history of glaucoma, you should have a complete eye exam with an eye doctor every one to two years. If you have any risk factors, you may need to visit your eye doctor more frequently.
What Are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?
For most people, there are usually few or no symptoms of glaucoma. The first sign of glaucoma is often the loss of peripheral or side vision, which can go unnoticed until late in the disease. This is why glaucoma is often called the "Sneak Thief of Vision" or "Silent Thief of Eye Sight".
If you have any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical care:
1.    Seeing halos around lights
2.    Vision loss
3.    Redness in the eye
4.    Eye that looks hazy (particularly in infants)
5.    Nausea or vomiting
6.    Pain in the eye
7.    Narrowing of vision (tunnel vision)
Risk Factors
There are several risk factors, which may lead to glaucoma, such as
1.    Age of the individual
2.    Ethnicity- African, Caribbean, Hispanics and Asians are at higher risk
3.    Increased eye pressure or IOP History of glaucoma in family or relatives
4.    Presence of Myopia or Hyperopia
5.    Previous eye injuries
6.    Use of steroids- as injections, tablets, eye or ear drops or ointments or protein supplements for muscle building in gyms or inhalers
7.    Previous history of anemia
8.    Individuals conditions affecting blood flow like hypertension, diabetes or high blood sugar, migraine etc are also at risk.
The treatment for glaucoma relies on the nature and seriousness of every case. Generally, glaucoma cannot be totally cured, but it can be controlled. Eye drops, pills, laser strategies, and means of surgery are utilized to maintain and prevent further harm from happening. Talk to your eye doctor to find out if you are at risk of developing glaucoma.

All fruits and food increase metabolism Cinnamon Without going into the whole scientific explanation of why it works, adding 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of this spice to something you eat every day — hot cereal, marinades, yogurt — helps blood sugar get into cells to be used for energy, so less is stored as fat. Green Tea One ingredient, caffeine, is a stimulant that raises your heart rate and compels your system to burn calories faster. Plus, green tea has catechins, substances that some experts believe help burn belly fat. Aim for three 8-ounce cups a day. Yogurt Yeah, dairy has a bad rep for high calories, but yogurt, both the low-fat and regular kinds, contains probiotics: "friendly" bacteria that preliminary research suggests may actually help reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs. Coffee Again, the caffeine kicks your metabolism into high gear. Caffeine also jump-starts lipolysis, the breakdown of fat. One to two cups a day is ideal. Chili Peppers Often found in high quantities in hot salsa as well as in many Thai, Indian, and Chinese curry dishes, these wonder foods are packed with a metabolism-boosting compound called capsaicin, which provides chili peppers' fiery flavor. In addition, capsaicin increases your body temperature somewhat, giving your metabolism an extra calorie-burning push. Chicken and Fish It actually takes energy to digest food, and your body burns more calories digesting and metabolizing protein than it does while breaking down carbs and fats. Translation: Consuming a few servings of lean protein, such as chicken, fish, and tofu, each day may help keep your metabolism revving away long after you finish eating your meal.

The Pyramid Diet Plan

The pyramid diet was conceptualised in 1992 and it emphasises the best amount of servings to be consumed daily from the basic food groups (dairy, fruits and vegetables, grains, beans and legumes, meat, oils and fats).
The pyramid is divided into four levels. The very first level is comprised of grains, beans and legumes; the level above it is made up of fruits and vegetable; the third level from the top is composed of meat and dairy products and the very last one on top contains fats, sugars and oils.
The diet aims to divide the food groups in the above mentioned fashion to make you understand just how much to consume from each food group. Here is a breakdown of servings from each food group:
1.            Grains- 5 to 7 servings
2.    Fruits and vegetables- 2 servings of each
3.    Milk and dairy- 3 servings of which 1/2 serving should be dairy products
4.    Oils, sugar and fats- 6 teaspoons for oils and minimal servings for fats and sugars
This seems relatively easy to follow, but most people do not understand portion control. The amount or serving of food is called portion control and it is important if you want your diet to work. Here is a guideline that you can follow:
1.    When you are consuming one serving of grains in one sitting, you can choose to eat one cup of cereals or one slice of whole-wheat bread.
2.    When you are eating vegetable or fruits with your breakfast or lunch, choose one and a half cup of chopped vegetables, or one piece of orange, banana or apple.
3.    If you are drinking milk, then one cup of milk in one serving. And, if you are eating meat, choose one ounce of cooked fish or chicken.
4.    Lastly, do not go beyond one teaspoon of vegetable oil and try to keep your sugar intake to the minimum throughout the day.
The pyramid is an excellent guide to lose some weight. You just need some concentration and a ton of commitment to stick to the guide. Along with the diet, don't forget to get some exercise.

Following a healthy lifestyle that is armed with a well-regulated diet is the most important aspect of combating your cardio-vascular disease. If you think that it is going to be very difficult to achieve, then you will be happy to know that the reality is quite the opposite. You can achieve your goals by following short and simple steps that would help you to reap long-term benefits for protecting your cardio-vascular health.
Try to use the calories consumed: It is very important to know how many calories you are consuming in a span of 24 hours.The calorie and nutritional informationgiven given on the food levels are normally based on the 2000 calorie diet. But it is crucial to know that your individual calorie requirement is dependent on numerous factors, including your age, gender as well as level of physical activities. When you are aiming to restrict your weight gain, it is recommended not to eat more than you can use up in a day along with increasing the intensity and amount of physical activity so that it matches the amount of physical activity. You must try to incorporate either 75 minutes of hard training or 150 minutes of moderate exercise in a span of seven days in order to boost healthy weight loss.
Consume a wide array of nutritious items from all food groups: Though you may believe that you are eating a sufficient amount of foods, your body may not be receiving an optimum amount of nutrients it needs for proper functioning. Foods that are considered rich in nutrients must contain sufficient amounts of protein, minerals, whole grains and other variants of nutrients with low calorie content. These foods not only aid in reduction of weight but also trigger lowering of blood pressure and and cholesterol levels.
Eat right: You must aim to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet besides whole grains, dairy products with low fat contents, legumes and nuts. It is important to stay away from red meat, trans fat, artificially sweetened beverages and sodium. Experts also suggest consuming less of food that has poor nutrient content in order to protect your heart.
Avoid smoking and alcohol: Simply exercising and eating a healthy diet is important, but you should not eliminate the adverse effects of smoking and alcohol consumption, which not only cast an impact on the health of your heart but also cause a variety of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases..

Chronic Pain - Is it Linked to Our Emotions?

If you suffer from chronic pain of any kind, it is important for you to know that it is associated and linked with your emotions. Other than your physical activities and personal relationships getting hampered, unwanted feelings like resentment, stress and frustration are also common. These emotions and feelings are capable of making your chronic pain condition more worse. 
The Relationship between your mind and body: Your mind and body work together and cannot be separated. Your mind controls all your thoughts and also affects the way in which pain is controlled or perceived by the body. Pain and the fear of pain may lead you to avoid activities. This may reduce your physical strength and cause disruption in the functioning of your body.
Stress: Stress affects your body both physically and emotionally. It may lead to an increase in your blood pressure, breathing rate, heart rate and muscle tension may also occur. These may lead to fatigue, appetite changes and sleep disruption. Stress also causes depression, anxiety, make you dependent on drugs and make you dependent on other people.
Depression: Depression is common among chronic pain patients. Chronic pain can make cases of existing depression much more worse and the existing pain is also worsened. There are chances of developing depression from chronic pain if depression runs in your family or genes. 
Symptoms of Depression are as follows:
1.    Feeling sad, angry, worthless and hopeless frequently
2.    Lack of energy
3.    Lack of interest in regular activities
4.    Difficulty in sleeping
5.    An increase or decrease in appetite, which may lead to major weight gain or weight loss
6.    Difficulty with concentration
7.    Having suicidal thoughts and thoughts about dying or harming oneself
How to Handle your Emotions during Chronic Pain: A common therapy, which people with chronic pain undertake is called Cognitive Behavioural therapy. You should seek the help of a therapist. In this therapy, you will learn about thinking in a positive way instead of drowning in negative thoughts. Your fear of pain will be reduced and you will learn how to strengthen important relationships. You will be able to develop a sense of freedom from chronic pain. 
If your chronic pain occurs due to an accident or emotional trauma, you may be assessed for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by your healthcare provider. Many patients suffering from PTSD cannot deal with their pain until the emotional stress is dealt with. If you feel depressed and cannot control your emotions, you need to consult a doctor.